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Sharing your creations with confidence

Afternoon all, I wanted to share with you an important lesson I learnt recently, and hopefully give you the courage to do the same.

I am a perfectionist at heart with little confidence and the thought of sharing my work with a wider audience filled me with fear. My local town recently ran a competition to design the cover for their anthology for the book festival. My husband told me that I really should put myself out there and enter, so with some encouragement I did, and I won! My design is now the ‘cover of the anthology and is available to purchase on Amazon. I am not usually one to blow my own trumpet but I was super proud of myself, I felt that actually maybe I was good at being creative.

Here is my entry

Sharing your work with others can be a vulnerable and nerve-wracking experience. It takes courage to put your work out in the world for others to see, critique, and potentially judge. However, it can also be an incredibly rewarding experience that can help you grow.

Believe in yourself and your abilities. Have confidence in the work that you have created. Trust in your talent and the unique perspective and style that you bring.

It is important to remember that not everyone will resonate with your work, and that is okay. All forms of art are subjective, and what resonates with one person may not necessarily resonate with another. Do not let the fear of rejection or criticism hold you back from sharing your creations. Focus on the positive feedback and constructive criticism that you receive, and use it to continue growing and evolving as a creative. .

Surround yourself with a supportive community of friends, and family who believe in you and your work. Seek out constructive feedback and advice from those who have experience in your field. Remember that you are not alone on this journey, and there are people (including me) who are rooting for your success.

Do not be afraid to promote your work and share it with a wider audience. Use social media as a platform. Remember that the more exposure your work receives, the greater the opportunities that may come your way.

Above all, approach the process of sharing your work with confidence and believe in yourself, you have something unique to offer so let the world see it.


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