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A Bee-utiful piece of home decor…

I have some beautiful lavender in the garden and it attracts lots of lovely bees. I love watching them at work collecting the pollen, it really is fascinating to watch. So I thought I would share with you another simple make this time using the Two Red Robins 'Sunnyside Web Exclusive collection.

This make uses an embroidery hoop as the base, this is a really simple way to create a shaped structure to any creation.

To make this you will need:-

To put this together:

  1. Layer up your fushias and ivy cascading over the top of your embroidery hoop, you can use either hot glue or 3D glue gel to create this.

  2. Cut thin strips of acetate (approx 1/4 inch wide) and attach a bee to the end of each, again you can use either hot glue or 3D glue gel.

  3. Position your bee strips at the right length and attach to the back to the embroidery hoop. You will now get the illusion that the bees are indeed flying.

  4. Finally add any additional bees or florals to the embroidery frame to create your finished piece.

Embroidery hoops are one of my favourite bases to work with at the moment, they are fairly inexpensive and super versatile, you will no doubt see them popping up in various creations of mine. I love the colour especially in nature themed creations, and if you want something more versatile why not paint the embroidery hoop in acrylic paint, use a white base and you can create something contemporary and modern.

Happy Crafting xx

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